How much HD space do I get?
Unlimited, Use as much as you want.

Can I hotlink the images i upload?
No, we use hotlink prevention software.

I want to host my domain with you guys, what do i do?
This is easy, just follow these 3 steps.

1) You must have a freehost account with us.

2) You then have to change the Name Servers too:



3) Now just EMAIL ME HERE
Make sure you include the following

- Your freehost URL

- Your Domain Name you want us to host

Whats my FTP Info?
FTP Host -

User Name - User Name You Received In Your Sign-up Email

PassWord - The Password You Entrered On The Signup Form

Remote Port - 21

Download FTP software HERE
Do a search for WS_FTP or Cute FTP

Do you redirect or steal my traffic?
Hell no! , these sorts of activities that most other freehosts do get them banned everywhere
and we don't want this, we are 100% clean and want to get listed everywhere.

Do you really provide this service for free?
Yes its 100% free, we pay for the bandwidth with our small header & footer ads.

Why would i go with you when there are bannerless freehosts out there?
This is where most webmasters get tricked, they are bannerless because they pay for there
bandwidth by redirecting certain country's to there advertisers which makes your sales and traffic drop.

How much bandwidth do I get?
You get unlimited bandwidth, we will never limit it.

Can i submit to TGP's?
Yes, we encourage that you do as there are lots of sales to be made from that traffic.

Can I have more then 1 account?
Sure you can, please remember to keep them active though

Do You allow movies uploaded to the server?
No, it is to costly for us.

Why was my website deleted?
If you uploaded something illegal then your account was deleted.
We do not allow illegal activates to be taken place on our Servers.

How big do you allow pictures to be?
There is no need for an image or an html file to be over 100kb, If your images are over 100kb they are not optimized.

All images over 100kb in size get deleted by our auto script which scans the directories for these files.

May I use CGI on your servers?
CGI creates a huge security risk for us as well as slows down the freehost, we cannot take a risk like that.

I didn't get my question answered by reading the FAQ?
Ok click "Contact Us" below


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